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Are dachshunds allowed apple? This is a question that many dog owners are wondering. The answer is yes, dogs are allowed to eat apples!
In this blog post, we will discuss the nutritional value of apples for dogs and give you some tips on how to feed them to your furry friend.
How to feed apples to your dachshund – 101
Now that you know that dachshunds are allowed to eat apples, you might be wondering how to go about feeding them to your furry friend.
It’s very important to know that dogs are NOT allowed to eat the core of an apple this contains a poisonous chemical called cyanide.
The best way to feed apples to your dachshund is to cut them into small pieces and remove the core before giving them to your dog.
How to incorporate apples into your dachshunds diet
A bit of apple a day keeps the vet away – but only if it’s fed in the right way!
When feeding apples to your dachshund, make sure to start with a small amount and see how they react.
Some dogs may be allergic to apples so it’s always best to start slow and increase the amount gradually.
How many apples are dachshunds allowed?
Apples should be seen as a treat and not the main part of your dachshund’s diet.
A general rule of thumb is any “treat” shouldn’t take up more than 10% of your dog’s daily caloric intake.
So, if your dachshund eats 400 calories per day, no more than 40 of those should come from treats like apples.
If you are unsure, always check with your veterinarian before giving your dog any new food.
The nutritional value of apples for dogs
Apples are full of vitamins and minerals that are essential for a dog’s health.
Some of the nutrients found in apples include fiber, vitamins A, C, and K, potassium, and copper.
These nutrients can help boost your dachshund’s immune system, improve their digestion, and keep their coat healthy and shining.

Recipes for apple-based dog treats
Now you’ve seen all of the great benefits that apples can have for your dachshund, you might be wondering what are some recipes for apple-based dog treats?
Here are a few of our favorites:
Apple filled kong
This is a very simple recipe that is sure to keep your dachshund entertained. All you need is a Kong toy and some mushed-up apple.
Simply fill the Kong with mushed apple mixture and freeze it overnight. In the morning, give it to your dog and let them enjoy it! This is great for cooling them down and keeping them entertained at the same time.
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Peanut butter and apple treats
These are perfect for training your dachshund or just rewarding them for being a good boy/girl.
All you need is some natural peanut butter (please check the label for any nasties natural is always best) and you guessed it, apples!
Slice up some apples into small pieces and then top with a dollop of peanut butter. You can then either give them straight to your dachshund or freeze them for later.
Oven-baked apple chips
Now, you can’t really get any simpler than this. All you need is some apples!
Simply slice up your apples into thin chips and then bake them in the oven on low heat until they are dried out.
Once they are cooled, store them in an airtight container and give them to your dachshund as a healthy treat.
Pros and cons of feeding apples to dogs
Now that you know all about feeding apples to your dachshund, let’s take a look at the pros and cons.
- Apples are full of vitamins and minerals that are essential for a dog’s health.
- Can help boost your dachshund’s immune system, improve their digestion, and keep their coat healthy and shining.
- Apples are a great source of fiber which can help regulate your dog’s digestion.
- A small amount of apple a day can go a long way in keeping the vet away!
- Dogs are NOT allowed to eat the core of an apple as it contains a poisonous compound called cyanide.
- Some dogs may be allergic to apples so it’s always best to start slow and increase the amount gradually.
- Apples should be seen as a treat and not the main part of your dachshund’s diet.
- As with anything, too much of a good thing can be bad for your dog.
Q&A about feeding apples to dogs
Here are some of the common questions and answers about feeding Dachunds apples – if you have any you want to add please reach out to us!
What apples are best for Dachshunds?
Organic apples are always best but any type of apple is fine. Just make sure to wash them thoroughly to remove any pesticides or waxes that may be on the skin.
Can Dachshunds eat apple cores?
No, dogs should not eat the core of an apple as it contains a poisonous compound called cyanide.
My food contains apple can my Dachunds eat it?
No, just because your food contains apples doesn’t mean it’s safe for your Dachshund to eat.
Check the ingredients list for anything else that may be harmful to them such as raisins, grapes, sugar, or artificial sweeteners. If you’re unsure, always check with your veterinarian first.
Why do dogs like apples so much?
Like anything, something new and sweet in small quantities is always going to be a hit with your Dachshund! Apples are also a great source of fiber and vitamins which are essential for a dog’s health.
Wrapping Things Up
So, are dachshunds allowed apple? The answer is yes – in moderation! As with anything, too much of a good thing can be bad for your dog.
But with so many delicious recipes out there, it’s easy to give your furry friend the occasional treat. Apples are a great source of fiber and vitamins which are essential for a dog’s health.
So why not head to the grocery store today and pick up some apples for your pooch?