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Summertime is the perfect time to enjoy a refreshing slice of watermelon. The sweet, juicy fruit is a summertime staple and is enjoyed by people of all ages. But can dogs eat watermelon? Can dachshunds eat watermelon? Let’s take a closer look at the nutritional value of watermelon and find out if it’s safe for our furry friends to indulge in this summertime snack.
Can dachshunds eat watermelon?
According to the ASPCA, dogs can eat watermelon. However, it’s not recommended that you feed your dog fruit unless they are used to eating it and have no issues digesting it. Fruit is high in sugar which may cause an upset stomach for some animals if their bodies don’t produce enough of a certain enzyme called amylase. If you’re going to give your pup a treat like this, make sure there aren’t any seeds or large chunks because those could be choking hazards!
Why are watermelons bad for dachshunds?
The main concerns with watermelons are the seeds and the rind – these can cause intestinal blockages, so they should be avoided.
- The watermelon is not toxic on its own. However, many believe that when a dog eats too much of it, it can lead to acute renal failure.
- The reason for this belief is the fact that there have been some reports of dogs experiencing renal failure after ingesting large quantities of watermelon, although the common wisdom is that it takes about 20 lbs of watermelon to do that.
- It is not clear exactly what component of the watermelon causes it, but some type of nephrotoxin seems to be at fault. It has also been proposed that psoralens contained in this fruit might have cytotoxic effects when consumed by dogs.
- Another possible explanation is that watermelon contains a substance called citrulline that can be converted into arginine by the dog’s body. Arginine is known to have harmful effects on the canine kidneys when consumed in large amounts, but normal quantities of watermelon should not pose any risk for dogs.
How Is Watermelon Good For dachshunds?
According to some sources, watermelon can be an extremely beneficial fruit in treating allergies and long-term illnesses due to it containing antioxidants. Antioxidants help with the removal of dead skin cells and aid in producing new ones.
The effects of watermelon have been proven on multiple occasions to lower blood sugar levels in dogs with diabetes, allowing them to live healthier and more comfortable life. For any diabetic dog, this is a huge plus.
Cleaner Teeth and Fresher Breath
With many small breeds, such as dachshunds having dental issues from a young age, watermelon is the perfect treat to try and help maintain their dental health. The combination of high moisture levels with low-calorie values makes it a great snack for cleaning your dog’s teeth. According to some sources, saliva production may increase by up to 80%, meaning fresher breath and cleaner teeth.
Heart Health
The potassium contained in watermelon plays a huge role in heart health. Potassium is an essential element for the proper functioning of heart muscles and helps to regulate blood pressure.
Weight Loss
Watermelon can be a great snack to use when trying to lose weight for your dog! It has excellent low-calorie values that help with dropping weight and maintaining a healthy weight.
Healthy Skin and Coat
Watermelon is extremely rich in Vitamin A, which helps with cell production and the strengthening of your dog’s skin and fur coat. This means that it can be used as an effective supplement for dogs who are experiencing issues with dry or damaged skin and/or fur coats.
Vitamin C contained in watermelon can help to reduce and prevent issues such as arthritis and rheumatism, helping to increase the flexibility of your dog’s joints.
Gastrointestinal Issues
Watermelon contains a lot of fiber which aids with gastrointestinal issues such as diarrhea and constipation.

Improve Your Dachshund’s Digestive Health Today
How much watermelon can a dog eat?

The amount of watermelon a dog can eat depends on many different factors, so it’s best to avoid giving your dog any.
Watermelon is a type of fruit and is not normally dangerous for dogs unless eaten in large amounts, so if you wish to let your dog eat some, stick to small pieces and monitor that they don’t eat too much.
A dog’s digestive system differs from a human’s in many ways, and this should be considered when choosing what to feed your dog.
A 50lb (22kg) dog, for example, would need about 10 oz (284g) of watermelon, whereas a 200lb (90kg) dog would probably need about 2 lbs (907g).
What about the sugar in watermelon?
It’s true that too much sugar might bother a dog, just like it bothers people: it can cause stomach upset and even lead to weight gain if not worked off through exercise. Still, there is an important difference between a dog and a person in this regard. Dogs have short digestive tracts — much shorter than ours at only about three times the length of their bodies! This means that anything they eat will pass through their system very quickly, so it doesn’t have time to ferment or sit around in there for days.
But we’re talking about the occasional treat here, not an everyday thing — just like with people. So, it’s probably fine for your dog to enjoy a few bites of watermelon now and then if you take care not to give them too much.
The big concern about sugar is that dogs can’t digest most of it naturally – they won’t be able to break down complex sugars like sucrose or maltose, so they won’t be able to fully digest the syrup in sweeteners. This may cause diarrhea, bloating, and gas. Doing so on a regular basis causes unabsorbed sugars to accumulate in the dog’s colon, which over time may lead to enlargement of the pancreas. The solution? Just like with people: don’t give them too much, and certainly, avoid letting them gorge on it.
What fruits are bad for dachshunds?
Dachshunds can eat watermelon in moderation. We recommend that you feed them a small slice at a time and not give it to them as a meal or snack. You should also be careful about the type of seeds they’re eating, because some types are toxic for dogs! If your dog is vomiting, has diarrhea, lethargy, or other symptoms after consuming any part of this fruit, contact your veterinarian immediately.