
Do Squeaky Toys Make Dogs Aggressive

Do Squeaky Toys Make Dogs Aggressive?

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From the high-pitched squeal of a rubber duck to the incessant chirping of a plush bird, you’ve likely noticed your dog’s intense fascination with squeaky toys. But have you ever wondered if these noise-making playthings could be instigating aggression in your furry friend? This article aims to unravel this mystery for you. We’ll delve into…

Dachshund Barking at Strangers

Dachshund Barking at Strangers: Tips to Keep Your Pup Friendly and Calm

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Do you have a dachshund that barks at strangers? It’s not uncommon for these hound dogs to have a strong barking tendency, but it can be frustrating for owners, especially if it’s keeping you up at night. Understanding why your dachshund is barking is the first step in addressing the behavior. There are a few…

when will my miniature dachshund sleep through the night

When Will My Miniature Dachshund Sleep Through the Night? Tips and Solutions

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If you are a new owner of a miniature dachshund, you may be wondering when your furry friend will start sleeping through the night. The answer to this question is not as straightforward as you might think, as it can depend on various factors such as the age, health, and temperament of your pup. Generally,…

English Cream Dachshund Temperament

English Cream Dachshund Temperament: What You Need to Know

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If you’re considering getting an English Cream Dachshund, you’re likely wondering about their temperament. These dogs are known for their unique cream-colored coat, but what about their personality? Fortunately, English Cream Dachshunds are generally calm and sweet-natured, making them great companions for many people. English Cream Dachshunds are often described as loyal and affectionate dogs….

Why Do Dachshund Ears Stand Up

Why Do Dachshund Ears Stand Up? What To Keep An Eye Out For

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Have you ever noticed the cute floppy ears of a dachshund and wondered why they stand up? Movement in the ears is an indicator of a dachshund’s mood. When they are alert, their ears will stand up or perk forward to take in the environment around them. When relaxed, their ears often flop down and…

Why Do Dogs Zig Zag When Walking?

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Every pet has unique traits, and there can be some behaviors that are considered cute or amusing. However, there can be others that cause concern among dog owners, and dogs zig-zagging when they’re walking can be one of the most concerning among dog owners.  Fortunately, zig-zagging when walking is a common trait among dogs, although…

Why Dogs Eat Sheep Poo

Why Dogs Eat Sheep Poo: The Surprising Reasons

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Do you ever wonder why dogs eat sheep poo? It’s a pretty disgusting habit, but there are actually some reasons why they do it. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why dogs eat sheep poo and what you can do to stop them. Stay tuned! Why do dogs eat sheep poo? There…

Why do Dogs Lick Feet with Athlete’s Foot?

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Do you know why dogs lick feet with athlete’s foot? It might seem like strange behavior, but there is actually a good reason why your dog does this. In this blog post, we will discuss the reasons why dogs lick feet with athlete’s foot and how you can prevent it from happening. What is Athlete’s…

Why Do Dachshunds Lick So Much

Why Do Dachshunds Lick So Much, And How You Can Fix it?

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Just by chance, have you ever found yourself puzzled by your dachshund’s incessant licking habit? It’s not just you – many owners of this breed notice the same behavior. This article will guide you into understanding why dachshunds lick so much. While it might seem like a quirky or even cute trait at first glance,…

Why Do Dachshunds Yawn So Much

Why Do Dachshunds Yawn So Much?

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Your dachshund may yawn for a variety of reasons than just wanting more sleep. They could be displeased, anxious, irritated, bored, disinterested, or enthusiastic. The strangest explanation is that yawning may spread, so when they saw you yawn, they did as well. However, your dachshund may want to indicate something to you; that’s why they…