What Size Crate for a Dachshund? The Ultimate Guide

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If you’re in the market for a crate for your dachshund, you may be wondering what size is best. Dachshunds are a unique breed, and they come in a variety of different sizes. What works for one dog might not work for another.

In this article, we will take a look at some of the different crate sizes available and help you choose the right one for your dachshund!

What are the different crate sizes available for dachshunds?

Dogs are one of the most popular pets in the world, and various crates are available to suit their needs.

Dachshunds are a relatively small breed of dogs and don’t require a massive crate. However, the purpose you will be using the create is worth keeping in mind.

For example, for Scooby (our Dachshund), we decided to go for a relatively small crate that can only fit in his bed, some toys, and a water/food bowl. This way, he knows that this is his ‘safe space’ and somewhere he can go to relax.

On the other hand, if you’re planning on leaving your dog in a crate for longer periods, you might want to consider a larger size. This will give them more room to move around and won’t make them feel as cramped.

What is the right size crate for my dachshund?

When it comes down to it, the best size crate for your dachshund is the one that fits them comfortably. Every dog is different, and some might need a little more or less space than others.

A good rule of thumb is to choose a crate that is big enough for your dog to stand up, turn around, and lie comfortably.

If you’re unsure about what size to choose, it’s always better to go for a bigger crate. You can always use a divider to make the space smaller if needed.

Don’t go too big

Dogs are den animals and feel safest in small, enclosed spaces. If you get a crate that’s too big, your dog might not use it as much as they should.

A bigger crate might also make them feel less secure, as they can see everything happening around them. This can lead to anxiety and stress, which is the last thing you want for your dog.

What is the best crate size for a dachshund puppy?

This comes down to personal preference. We bought a small crate for when scooby was a puppy and then “upsized” a little when we grew out of it.

We found that a bigger crate helped with his separation anxiety as he felt more secure in it. He also had more room to move around without feeling cramped.

The best option, in hindsight, would be to buy a bigger crate and a divider. These are perfect as they can be adjusted as your puppy grows.

You can find some great examples of these here:

How do I know if my dachshund is comfortable in their crate?

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Scooby asleep in his crate post-surgery

It took us months to “master” the crate for Scooby. At first, he would bark and try to escape every time we put him in.

Now, he knows that the crate is his safe space and goes in there willingly. He also sleeps in there at night without any problems.

Here are a few things to look for to see if your dachshund is comfortable in their crate:

  1. They go in willingly and don’t try to escape
  2. They don’t bark or whine when they’re in there
  3. They sleep peacefully in their crate at night
  4. They relax and seem comfortable when they’re in their crate during the day

If you see all of these things, then congratulations! You’ve successfully crate-trained your dachshund, and they are now comfortable in their crate.

A few tips to help your Dachsund get used to their crate

Bare in mind that crate training isn’t something that happens overnight. It takes time, patience, and a lot of treats!

Never force your dog into the crate. This will only make them scared and resentful of it. Instead, try some of these tips to encourage them to go in willingly. For us, that was a stuffed frozen kong with mashed-up dog food.

Don’t close the door right away. Now your Dachshund willingly goes into the crate; it’s time to start closing the door. But don’t do it right away. Start by closing the door for a few seconds while your dog is inside, then gradually increase the time.

Don’t leave the room. Crates are a great tool to help with separation anxiety, but if your dog is not used to being left alone, don’t leave them in the crate for long periods. Start by going out of the line of sight, even for a few seconds. Then you can gradually increase the time.

Give them a treat. Whenever your Dachshund goes into their crate, give them a small treat to reinforce that it’s a good thing.

Don’t give up. Dachshunds are one of the most stubborn breeds, well, especially Scooby. It honestly took months, but he eventually got used to it. So don’t give up if it takes a little longer than you thought; they’ll get there in the end!

Cover it up. A crate cover is great to make the crate feel more like a den for dogs. Considering getting a crate cover or using a throw over the sides and back of the crate. Just make sure the crate has plenty of ventilation and isn’t too hot for your dog.

scoobys crate stup
Scoobys crate setup

How do you use a crate during the day?

Crates are very versatile and can be used in many ways during the day.

If you work from home, you can use the crate as a way to keep your dog out of your office so you can focus on work. Simply put their bed and some toys in the crate and close the door.

If you have another dog, the crate can also be used as a way to give your dachshund some alone time. This is especially important if they are not getting along well with the other dog.

You can also use the crate as a way to potty train your dachshund puppy. Put them in the crate for short periods and take them out to go to the bathroom. They will quickly learn that they need to hold it in until they’re let out.

How do you use a crate in the evening?

Crates are also great to use at night time. If your dachshund is still getting used to their crate, you can put it in your bedroom, so they’re not alone.

You can also use the crate as a way to keep them out of trouble at night. For example, if they like to chew on things, you can put them in the crate with a chew toy to keep them occupied.

And finally, if your dachshund still has accidents at night, the crate will prevent them from making a mess in your home.

Should I Get a Plastic or Wire Dog Crate?

This comes down to personal preference. We have a wire crate for Scooby, which worked well for us. He’s never been able to escape from it, and we’ve never had any problems with him chewing on it.

However, some people prefer plastic crates because they’re more enclosed and might make your dog feel more secure. They’re also a lot lighter, which makes them great for traveling. You can find some good-quality plastic crates here.

Ultimately, it’s up to you which type of crate you get. Just ensure that it’s big enough for your dog and that they’re comfortable in it.

Wrapping Things Up

So there you have it. Everything you need to know about what size crate for a dachshund and how to use them. As with anything else, crates take time and patience to get your dachshund used to. But once they are, it will be a lifesaver! We use ours daily with Scooby, and it’s worth the hard work.